
- High Pressure Gas processing facility for Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Rajahmundry
at Kesanapalli & Pasarlapudi (Andhra Pradesh, India)
- Hydrogen Gas Compressor Packages for Jubail Chemical Industries Company in Kingdom of Saudi
- Fuel Gas Conditioning Skid for Captive Power Plant for Reliance Industries Limited, Hazira Facility
- 10000 M3 Storage Tank for State Company for Oil Projects, Iraq
- Gas based Power Plant for Aban Power Project Comprising of Gas Collection, Gas conditioning,
Gas Boosters, metering, Gas turbines & Power Generators, Fire protection, HVAC & Other Utilities
- Executed large number of projects for Air finned Coolers for Oil & Gas Industry & refineries
and have served to PDO Oman, Foster Wheeler UK, Bechtel UK, Petronas Malaysia, Technip France,
Reliance Industries & Petrojet Egypt etc.
- Supplied Knock out Drums, Mist extractors, Heaters/Emulsion Heaters, Gas Conditioning
equipment/packages to Oil India, GSPL etc.
- Gas conditioning facility comprising for 2 units for Reliance Industries, Hazira
- Gas Separation system for NIKO Resources Ltd, Canada for Onshore field Development &
Exploration Project for CB-ONN-2000/2 Block
- Gas Conditioning of Sour Gas for Offshore Platforms SHP & SHQ of ONGC
- Scrapper traps for Pig Launching & Receiving stations for large number of projects for trap sizes
up to 36" NB & pressure rating 1500#
- Flow tees/ Barred Tees for sizes up to 48 " NB
- Filtr Seperators for GSPL, India, with a shell thickness of 40mm in Stainless Steel.
- Complete gas processing facilities consisting of Gas Condensation, Dehydration, Sweeting Water Treatment Plants, Gas Compressors, Seperators, Piping etc., for Akas-Almansuria Gas Field Development Project under Ministry of Oil, Iraq.